Monday, September 19, 2011

Let It Rain!

Well, hello there.  It's been awhile.  Have you ever longed for a rainy day so you don't have to do some of the things you really should do because the weather is not cooperating?  That is today for me.  It's gray and wet outside - the perfect excuse to be blogging.

You can rest assured that when I'm not updating my blog, I am baking or...still unpacking, organizing, cooking dinner, getting numerous drinks for my kids in a 12 hour period, tutoring a 3rd grader, exercising, watering my mums, drinking wine, kinda sleeping, etc.  I wish I could include reading my magazines (one of my favorite things to do), but not quite yet.  A girl can dream.

As of last week, both of my kids are in school (Ben in K each afternoon and Paige in preschool two afternoons a week).  I am adjusting to our new routine and really plan to carve out some blog time soon.  Right now?  Paige and I are in my bed on a rainy afternoon - she is eating popcorn and watching Alvin and the Chipmunks while I feverishly upload and put together this titillating post for your viewing pleasure!  The cutest part is when she sees each cookie pic, she declares that one her fave!  Love this girl!  We are due over at Ben's school in 60 minutes for pickup.  I have about 15 orders from the past 5 weeks I need to post so this one will consist of many.  Let's try to get a few in right now!  GO!

 Petites have been a popular choice lately to
supplement an order of custom platter cookies 
for a large crowd.
These were for a polka dot baby shower.
Thanks, Nancy!
My friend, Dawn sold her house and 
ordered some gift packs for her real estate agent's office.
 Thanks, Dawn!
You can never go wrong with initials
and ages for a party!
Thanks, Lisa!
 Cowboy hats for Amelia's horseback riding
6th birthday party!
Thanks, Janine!  Ben had a blast!
 William had a Cars 4th birthday party.
Thanks, Steph!
Tangled cookie favors...thank you, Robin!
These strawberry baskets were a hit for many!
Wine bottles for a wine tasting...thanks Robin S!

Much more to the meantime, I will be cleaning the huge popcorn mess to my my bed!
See?  And I wonder why I'm so slow on the blogging!  :)

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